Starting Your Crystal Journey - Part 2

Care and First Steps
How exciting. Your crystals have chosen you and are ready to come home and be part of the family. My first step, as I am a huge believer in the power of gratitude is to thank them for choosing me.
My next step is to give them a clean. Their journey from beginning to you means they have travelled vast distances, been cut and polished, carved into shapes and passed through many hands. I like to wash mine in warm water and dish soap to remove any dirt and dust, cutting or polishing compound and the dozens of fingerprints that may still be on the crystal's surface. I know how much better I feel after a shower when the gruff I have collected is washed away.
There are some crystal varieties that should not be immersed in water such as selenite, lepidolite, malachite (the copper can leach out) calcite and a few others but even these will tolerate a wipe with a damp cloth (no soap). I do not advocate soaking any crystal in water for long periods. It's unnecessary and can cause damage.
Many people and books will advise that crystals need to be cleansed. (This is different to the above clean). Their theory is that crystals pick up and store the energy and vibrations of others (both positive and negative) and these must be removed before using. Some methods include smudging with incense, using sound, visualising healing energy moving through the crystal, burying in salt (not recommended) or in the earth, using your breath and many more.
In my experience the "you have to cleanse advocates" will often project their own fears on to their crystals. Trust your gut. If you feel a crystal would like a cleanse then go ahead, if you don't think its necessary that's fine too.
When it comes to cleansing, asking your crystals for help or anything else you may need them to do, the most important thing is your intention. Within your intention your true power lies. What ever method you choose to use, focus your mind on on what you want to achieve. Use words and rituals meaningful to you and state your intent.
For example, while passing the crystal through smudge or using your cleansing breath, speaking either out loud or in your mind, ask that the crystal be cleansed of old or negative energy, past programs and to always act on your behalf for the highest good. As in our past blog posts, make it about you, create your own words and rituals relevant to you and your life. Make them as simple and straight to the point (my personal style) or as involved and symbolic as you feel necessary.
Intention is Everything and the Power is Within You.
Kindness Always Heather xxx
Part 3 Next Monday, beginning to work with your crystals
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