Psychic Protection, Magick, Healing, Psychic Development, Transformation
Labradorite is one of the most gorgeous crystals. It shimmers with blues and sometimes purple, pink, and even yellow. It's very hard to be unhappy when working with it.
Labradorite is known for being an amazing protection stone. It seals holes and tears in the aura that can leave you vulnerable to attack and the negative vibes of others. Why is this important you ask???? You know when you get up in the morning and feel great and happy but then you hit the outside world and the good feelings seem to fade, leaving you drained, cranky and generally out of sorts? Chances are you have just picked up on the negative energy of others you have encountered.
It's also great for psychic development and helps with transformation, changing the program and self development. As a bonus it helps clear mental fog and helps with focus. If you are looking for a gift for that friend thats scattered and all over the place Labradorite in a great choice.
We Love Labradorite For:
Protecting and Shielding the Aura
Ancestors, Mystical Traditions, Magick
Changing Negative Self-Talk and Behavior Patterns
Protecting those easily influenced or led astray by others.
As a support when weighed down with responsibilities.
How Will Labradorite Benefit You?
Chakras. Third Eye and Crown. Zodiac. Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius. Numerology 6