Crystals For Negative People

"What Crystals Are Good For Stopping Other People's Negativity"?
We get asked this at almost every Crystal show we exhibit at. While I believe any crystal will help to protect and support you if asked, our general recommendations are Black Tourmaline and Labradorite.
Both do a great job at protecting and work in slightly different ways. As always, choose the one you are most drawn to at the time.
Black Tourmaline is renowned for its powerful protective and grounding properties, particularly in shielding against negative energies and psychic attacks. It acts as a shield, absorbing and repelling negative energies, including those emanating from other people and creates a protective barrier around the wearer, preventing unwanted energies from penetrating your personal space. It also grounds your energy to the earth, helping you stay centered and balanced amidst chaotic or negative environments.
Labradorite creates a shield for the aura, protecting against psychic attacks and negative energies. It prevents energy leaks and fortifies the aura, ensuring that your personal energy remains intact and vibrant. With it's ability to cleanse and purify your energy field it helps remove stagnant and negative energies, maintaining a clear, strong and balanced aura, which is crucial for overall well-being.
Labradorite assists in navigating through changes and transitions by providing emotional and spiritual protection. It helps you release old, limiting patterns which can stop your spiritual growth and lower your vibration. Everything in the universe is energy and like attracts like.
We recommend asking your chosen Black Tourmaline or Labradorite to help shield and protect you, wearing them as jewellery, keeping pieces in your work and home environment, meditating with and honestly just talking to them. Tell them what's going on, who is doing what and ask them for guidance.
You may be surprised at the creative ways they come up with for solving a problem.
The bad new is that there is nothing you can do about other peoples negativity.
The good news is that there is nothing you can do about other peoples negativity.
There is a whole lot you can do to help yourself. You are responsible for you and it is up to you to decide how you will allow the gruff of other people to affect you.
More information and our collection of Black Tourmaline can be found here.
More information and our collection of Labradorite can be found here.
Next week we discuss practical ways to energetically protect yourself and your family so be sure to check back next Monday
Kindness Always
Heather xxx